Entries by Reto VIVRI™

Puré de camote morado

INGREDIENTES: 2 tazas de camote morado, rebanado a la mitad. ¼ taza de yogur griego, sin azúcar. 2 cdas mantequilla de coco. Sal y pimienta al gusto. INSTRUCCIONES: Pela el camote, pica en pedazos medianos y calienta hasta que quede suave. Usando un mezclador, agrega el camote, mantequilla y yogur y mezcla. Agrega sal y […]

Salsa de arándanos, baja en azúcar

INGREDIENTES: 1 ½ tazas de arándanos congelados. 2 tazas de manzanas en trozos pequeños. ½ taza de naranjas cortadas y segmentadas. 2 tazas de frambuesas. ¼ taza de jarabe de maple. ¼ taza de Truvia. 2 cdas de jugo de limón. 1 cda mantequilla de coco. INSTRUCCIONES: Agrega todos los ingredientes, excepto la mantequilla en una sartén para saltear, y cocina hasta que […]

Pavo asado con limón y romero

INGREDIENTES: Para el pavo: 3 ¾ libras de pechuga de pavo. 2 cdas de aceite de semilla de uva. 2 tazas de apio. 2 tazas de cebolla. 2 tazas de zanahoria. 3 cdas de la mezcla de hiervas, ver receta abajo. Sal y pimienta al gusto. Mezcla de hierbas: 1 cda tomillo picado. 1 cda romero picado. 1 cda salvia picada. 1 cdta ajo picado. […]

Mushrooms cream soup

INGREDIENTS: 400G mushrooms, varied. 2 garlic cloves. 2 tomatoes. 2 onion. 2 carrots. 3 Lt. vegetable broth. Thyme. Olive oil, extra virgin. Salt. INSTRUCTIONS: Peel and chop de onion and sauté in a pan with a little olive oil. Peel and chop the carrots in chunks, and when the oil with the onion starts to […]

Peanut Butter

INGREDIENTS: 16 ounces roasted, unsalted peanuts (not dry roasted). 1/4-1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste). Olive oil, extra-virgin (optional). INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Spread the peanuts on a baking sheet. Roast for about 20 minutes, or until slightly darker and fragrant. Add peanuts to a food processor. Process for 3-5 minutes, until […]

Thanksgiving Recipes

You are going to love these Low Calorie Thanksgiving Dinner recipes 🍗. Can you believe that ALL of this has only 530 calories and that includes dessert?! Compare it to the average 3,000+ calories on a typical Thanksgiving day plate. Roasted Turkey Breast with Lemon Rosemary Gravy = 117 calories. Cranberry Sauce = 27 calories. […]

Pumpkin Crème Brulee

INGREDIENTS: 1 ¼ cup Greek yogurt, unsweetened. ¼ cup pumpkin puree, homemade. 1 teaspoon vanilla. ¼ teaspoon cinnamon. 1 package low-fat vanilla pudding mix (4 oz). 3 Tablespoons water. ½ teaspoon coconut sugar. Berries (optional). INSTRUCTIONS: In a mixing bowl add the first 6 ingredients thoroughly. Then split between 3oz ramekins. Refrigerate for at least […]

Roasted Asparagus

INGREDIENTS: 16 asparagus spears – Depending on how big they are maybe 5 or 6. 1 tsp grapeseed oil. 1 T lemon juice, fresh squeezed. Salt and Pepper to taste. INSTRUCTIONS: Pre heat oven to 375 degrees. Foil a sheet pan, spray with non stick spray. n mixing bowl add all the ingredients and mix […]

Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

INGREDIENTS: 2 cups cauliflower florets. 2 cups Yukon potatoes medium diced. ¼ cup Greek yogurt, unsweetened. 1 tablespoon coconut butter. Salt and Pepper to taste. INSTRUCTIONS: Steam or boil potatoes and cauliflower until soft. Strain water if necessary. Add all ingredients to a mixer and mix until you have a smooth potato consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

Gluten Free Stuffing

INGREDIENTS: ¼ cup yellow onion diced. ¼ cup celery diced. ¼ cup carrots diced. ¼ cup mushrooms chopped. 2 cups whole grain gluten free bread, diced. 3 fl oz chicken broth low sodium, organic. Or homemade. 1 T herb mixture see below. Salt and Pepper to taste. Herb Mixture: 1 T thyme chopped. 1 T rosemary chopped. 1 T sage chopped. 1 tsp garlic chopped. 1 tsp lemon zest. 1 tsp orange zest. 1 T grapeseed oil. INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a sauté pan spray a non stick spray and add […]