Leonardo Nuñez August 18, 2015/in VIVRI™ STORIES ENGLISH /by Reto VIVRI™To me, VIVRI™ is the healthiest experience of the year!! I lost 6.6 pounds and a size. Cleanse Me!™ helped me reduce my swollen stomach and, in general, I slept better, improved my digestion and energy during the day. http://retovivri.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/TESTIMONIO-191-INGLES.png 497 800 Reto VIVRI™ http://retovivri.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/LOGO-01-e1411838950499.png Reto VIVRI™2015-08-18 17:19:262015-08-18 17:19:26Leonardo Nuñez