Roberto Manuel Orozco

Gracias a VIVRI™ bajé 8 kilos en solo 2 retos, lo cual me ha dado una vitalidad increíble, además de que mi hipertensión desapareció y la forma en la que que me siento de verdad es muy buena ya que ahora me siento muy sano!

Guillermo Bedolla

VIVRI™ es muy práctico, me ayudó a comer a mis horas ya que mi trabajo me absorbe demasiado tiempo y no lograba tener orden en mis horarios. Además de ayudarme a bajar 7.5 Kg y 2 tallas!!

Roasted brussels sprouts

Ingredients (6 servings) (104 calories)

  • 1 1/2 pounds brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and yellow leaves removed
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
  2. Place trimmed Brussels sprouts, olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper in a large resealable plastic bag. Seal tightly, and shake to coat. Pour onto a baking sheet, and place on center oven rack.
  3. Roast in the preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes, shaking pan every 5 to 7 minutes for even browning. Reduce heat when necessary to prevent burning. Brussels sprouts should be darkest.

Coles de brusela asadas

Ingredientes (6 porciones) (104 calorías)

  • 1 1/2 libras de coles de brusela, remover hojas amarillas y cortar el cabo
  • 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva extra virgen
  • 1 cucharadita de sal kosher
  • 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra en polvo


  1. Precalienta el horno a 205 grados C.
  2. Coloca las coles de brusela, el aceite de oliva, la sal y la pimienta en una bolsa de plástico resellable. Sella herméticamente, y bate hasta que quede bien mezclado. Vaciar a una bandeja para hornear, y colocar en el centro de la rejilla del horno.
  3. Asar en el horno precalentado por 30-45 minutos, sacudiendo la bandeja cada 5 a 7 minutos para que se doren mejor. Reducir el calor cuando sea necesario para evitar que se quemen. Las coles de brusela deben agarrar un color café oscuro, casi negro, cuando estén listas. Ajusta el sazón con sal kosher si es necesario. Servir inmediatamente.

Araceli Rivera

Here is the testimony of Araceli Rivera who, in only 10 days, accomplished to reduce her stomach’s swelling in an impressive way!!
“I spent more than 20 years like that and I had already resigned myself. People always asked me if I was pregnant due to my weight problem, but VIVRI™ helped me fighting it, even if I thought it was impossible!! The benefits I got were a better digestion and a change in my eating habits since I couldn’t drink water before and I was used to drink soda, and now I don’t really need it anymore. Besides my mood has improved a lot, I now feel better about myself, happier and quite motivated!!”

Paola Vargas

Do you love running and going to marathons and you want to have a higher performance? This is the story of Paola Vargas!

“I can say that VIVRI™ has improved my eating habits unbelievably, also my performance while working out. When I finish my workout I drink my shake and measure the calories burnt. And it is also delicious!!!

Yadira Barrios

On my first Challenge I lost 13.44 pounds, the equivalent to 8.5% of my body fat. For me, VIVRI™ is a really practical system based on time and adaptable to my lifestyle; I also have a lot of energy.
This last Challenge I made it with my husband, which made it easier since we supported each other and it was really nice to watch the changes in both of us.
I recommend VIVRI™ because it’s something that really helps you improving your health, and it also helps you losing weight.  Everything I was looking for I found it on VIVRI™. VIVRI™ changed my life because it made it easy for me to eat healthy!

Marco Antonio Torre

Do you want to improve your weight, health and energy? Here’s the story of Marco Antonio Torre!!

“In only 2 months and a half, I lost 62.83 pounds and 3 sizes thanks to VIVRI™! It also helped me improving my cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar levels, and gave me energy”

Eliza Valdéz

Eliza Valdéz started taking VIVRI™ because she had skin problems. After a year of taking VIVRI™, she diminished notably her skin problems and she feels so much relaxed and with less stress, this is her story:
“From the first day of my VIVRI™ Challenge I felt great, changes began immediately because I started having a better development at school and a lot of energy; before, I used to take a nap everyday but after that, I was still tired but after VIVRI™, I forgot about naps, because I had energy for all day long.
My digestion also improved in an optimum way because the swelling was gone.
I recommend VIVRI™ because it’s practical, a complete meal with high quality and efficient results!!!”

Pablo Torres Fernández

Since I started taking VIVRI™ I’ve lost 31 years of metabolic age, went from 65 to 34 year.s With VIVRI™ I am breaking every paradigm I know!!