Why eat healthy snacks? We give you 3 really good reasons!

Having a healthy snack is essential, why? If we analyze, how we feel after a big meal, in comparison to a small meal and after a couple hours have a snack? If you are one of the many people that don’t have snacks, start now! Here are some of the changes you will have:

 1-You will have more control over your weight.

 We all know that 80% of the weight we loose is a result of what we eat (the other 20% is exercise), so what we eat and how we eat it is crucial for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. When you only eat big meals 2 things happen:

A) you feel extremely uncomfortable and full

B) and after a few hours  your blood flow starts to slow down and with that, your energy.

 Healthy snacks are a great way to decrease the hunger and have energy during the whole day.  But the key to this is making sure to not have huge meals (making them completely healthy), and planning on time what snacks you will have.  Waiting To make this decision when you are hungry makes you take the worst decisions. So plan on time so you can find the correct balance!!

 2-Say goodbye to eating impulsively.

 As I mentioned before, the choices we make when we are hungry are not the best.  Make sure to never get to the point where ” I am starving!!!”, it is crucial to making the right decision. Think, have you ever gone grocery shopping hungry? If you have you might remember what your shopping cart looked like, like a trash can! Here is where healthy snacks come in! Eating a healthy snack at least once a day, helps you maintain your energy level and control on track, once you have this in order, you will have all the power!!

 3-Boost your productivity and your good mood.

 Throughout the day, heavy meals (full of carbohydrates, fats, and sugars), stress and mess with your energy levels. Picking smaller meals ( lean proteins, whole grains and vegetables) combined with healthy snacks (fruits and vegetables), make your fuel burn slowly, managing to have energy all day- eliminating the highs and lows that unhealthy choices make. This doesn’t just boost your mood, having more energy makes you feel less tired, and  allows you to  operate with your top potencial during your day activities.

 Their are a lot of options for healthy snacks, you just have to make sure they are nutritious , tasty, low calorie and healthy. You can use your creativity to snack without hindering your goal.

5 reasons to try the VIVRI® Challenge this summer!

The summer is approaching and we know that it is even more important for you to look and feel spectacular. So it’s time to put aside junk food and laziness, and start making better decisions! The easiest way to do it? With the VIVRI® Challenge. Why? We give you 5 reasons why you decide to join the VIVRI® Challenge now, and invite all your friends!


We all know that to achieve our ideal weight is essential to eat a balanced diet at each meal. With VIVRI® you will find that balance and in a super nutritious, practical and delicious way.


It all comes down to simple math: to get rid of those extra pounds you should consume fewer calories. It may seem easy to do, but it is important not to forget about good nutrition and to consume vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. Necessary for our body to function properly. That’s where it starts to get complicated a bit, right? Not necessarily, with Shake Me! ® you are sure to be receiving excellent nutrition and without worrying about forgetting some important nutrients. But that’s not all, it’s also low in calories! Amazing!


When you achieve your ideal weight, one of the big answers is: increase your protein intake. Why? Well, protein helps keep you satiated longer, burn more calories when you digest it compared to other macronutrients, and muscle growth that makes you burn more calories than fat.


One of the first things to avoid when you want to achieve your ideal figure are: sugar and artificial sweeteners, as they can affect your weight too much. But leave the sugar? Not quite! You do not have to give up sweet foods altogether, all you have to do is substitute sugar for stevia. All our products are sweetened with stevia! Excellent! True?


Many times as much as we want to exercise, the daily routine and fatigue of it can take away the desire immediately. Power Me! ® gives you the energy your body can take to get more done, even when your day is full of activities, it will not be a reason to stop exercising!

Do you need more reasons? What do you expect to change your life and be your best version this summer ?! This year, it’s your year with VIVRI®.
