When I was a teenager I started having nutritional problems, which was very hard for me since I had the idea that you need to be fit to look good, no matter the consequences; but with the hurry that we experience in our daily life, I was far from nutrition and close to bad eating habits. It was then when I met VIVRI™ and thanks to the Challenge I lost almost 80 pounds!! Having the opportunity to get to a lot of people through my testimony and being able to inspire them to make a positive life change throughout nutrition has been really pleasing for me. With VIVRI™ I achieved my financial liberty. Nowadays I am a Club Director and I earned my BMW Bonus, I´ve also won a lot of bonuses and trips. And thanks to that, I can focus on the most important things in life: my family and friends!!


I lost 13.2 pounds and I am so excited to continue with VIVRI™ NUTRITIONAL SYSTEM to get to my ideal weight!!


I started my first Challenge weighing 177.1 pounds. After the 10 days of the Challenge I got on the scale a little untrustfully because I didn’t feel great changes on my figure, but still, I was really surprised!! I had lost 11.44 pounds!! And also, my gastritis and colitis were gone. I must say that I used to take dance lessons for 6 years and I never lost weight.

Today, after three months of taking VIVRI™ I’ve managed to lose 30.8 pounds and three sizes; plus, I have a lot of energy, which gives me a high resistance during the day.

My life is before and after VIVRI™. I’ve accomplished to create a new lifestyle, one that makes me feel happy and complete. VIVRI™ changed my life, my shape and my health. Thanks VIVRI™!!!


I started my Challenge a little bit distrustfully, I thought it was impossible to see the results in only 10 days. On the 11th day I compared my before and after and I was astounded! I am really happy, I loved the product and now I am a LIV™. I lost 14.3 pounds!!


For me, VIVRI™ has been easy, practical and perfect!! Almost from the first day I started, I had a lot of energy, I wasn´t sleepy anymore after lunch and I didn´t feel my stomach swollen after every meal as usual. Before VIVRI™ there were days when I wouldn´t have breakfast, now there´s no way I´m stopping, Shake me!™ it´s the ideal breakfast!! I´ve enormously enjoyed taking the VIVRI™ CHALLENGE!! And people around me have noticed it. Best of all,I lost 11.42 pounds and three sizes!!



After three pregnancies I couldn´t recover my weight; I tried every diet, I went with a lot of nutriologists and I just couldn´t even stay stable. Someone invited me to try the VIVRI™ CHALLENGE, I started it gladly and my picture shows the results!! I lost 13.22 pounds, 3.15 inches and a size!

From all the changes I experienced, the reduction of a size was the most impressive one; now my skin feels softer and firmer, my cellulite it´s improving and even some stains from my face are lowering their intensity; I am in a good mood and I have a lot of energy; my anxiety disappeared almost completely and my iron levels are balanced now, which had been low since my pregnancy. I am happy!!




With two VIVRI™ Challenges, I lost 11.02 pounds and I feel amazing! It lessened the pain from my joints, especially in my back, and helped me lose those extra pounds making me look so much younger than before!!


Braised balsamin chicken


  1. Season both sides of chicken breasts with garlic salt and pepper.
  2. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat; cook seasoned chicken breasts until chicken is browned, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Add onion; cook and stir until onion is browned, 3 to 4 minutes.
  3. Pour diced tomatoes and balsamic vinegar over chicken; season with basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme. Simmer until chicken is no longer pink and the juices run clear, about 15 minutes. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C).

Estofado de pollo balsámico

BLOG 135Ingredientes (6 porciones) (196 calorías)

  • 6 mitades de pechuga de pollo sin piel
  • 1 cucharadita de sal de ajo
  • Pimienta negra molida al gusto
  • 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
  • 1 cebolla, rebanada finamente
  • 1 (14.5 onzas) lata de tomates en cubos
  • 1/2 taza de vinagre balsámico
  • 1 cucharadita de albahaca seca
  • 1 cucharadita de orégano seco
  • 1 cucharadita de romero seco
  • 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo seco


  1. Sazona ambos lados de las pechugas de pollo con sal de ajo y pimienta.
  2. Calienta el aceite de oliva en una sartén a fuego medio; cocina las pechugas de pollo sazonadas hasta que estén cafés, 3 a 4 minutos. Añade la cebolla; cocina y revuelve hasta que la cebolla esté café, 3 a 4 minutos.
  3. Echa los tomates y el vinagre balsámico sobre el pollo; sazona con la albahaca, orégano, romero y tomillo. Hierve a fuego lento hasta que el pollo ya no esté rosa y los jugos estén claros, alrededor de 15 minutos. Un termómetro insertado en el centro deberá marcar por lo menos 74° C.

8 ways to organize your kitchen for weight loss

BLOG 134How you set up your kitchen—from décor to utensils to where you keep treats—can make a substantial difference when it comes to losing weight. You don’t need an entire kitchen overhaul to make a difference. Many revamps take just a minute. Here are 8 simple ways to start:

Make it easy to reach for healthy foods

We tend to eat more of what’s staring us in the face — and a chocolate’s box on your counter will just wear down your willpower until you give in and wolf down a handful. Make healthy snacks like nuts, pre-cut veggies and fruit easy to grab when you’re hungry.

Hide the junk food

If you must keep treats in the house, stash them where you don’t see them all the time. Chocolate candies can go in the freezer for example, and place other candies or unhealthy foods on hard-to-reach shelves.

Stock your spice rack

Spices and herbs are bursting with flavor. That’s why research shows getting creative in the kitchen and adding them to foods (cumin on your carrots, red pepper flakes on brussels sprouts) can help replace some fat in your cooking—without you even realizing it’s missing.


Sounds strange, but a study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that using a big fork may help you eat less, possibly because larger bites provide a visual cue that you’re making progress on your plate (and are getting full). Couple that with a smaller plate and you’ll find that your brain might trick you into feeling full faster on less.

Get rid of the TV

Watching TV and eating is a recipe for mindlessly inhaling allthechips…especially if you’re watching action shows. Time to remove the hypnotic box from the dining room.

Keep cookbooks visible

One of the secrets of healthy people is that they cook at home often. It’s the best way to control what goes into your food, and it allows you avoid those massive restaurant portions. To encourage the habit, don’t keep your cookbooks hidden in a pantry. Display them on your counter as a reminder to try a new recipe tonight. Not a fan of physical books? Try using apps and social media as a way of visually organizing your recipes (Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube).

Decorate with red

The crimson color is associated with danger—and acts like a mental stop sign for eating. One study found that people ate nearly 50% fewer chocolate chips when they were served on a red plate compared to a blue or white one. Stock up on red plates, but also consider adding flashes of red to your kitchen décor.

Stay organized

You have a pile of pots and pans that practically falls on you when you open the cupboard. Eliminate those you don’t need (particularly old, scratched non-stick pans) and keep the rest tidy. When healthy habits are made easier, we’re more likely to do them—and that includes keeping the tools we need for a nutritious meal organized.