Entries by MKT


In only 10 days I lost 20.28 pounds and 7.09 inches from my waist, my skin changed, I didn´t have headaches, I have a lot of energy and I am really happy!! The taste of VIVRI™ is really good, I never felt I was on a diet, I wasn´t hungry and never had whims, I […]


Today I achieve a goal I´ve been pursuing for years, the goal of improving naturally and from the bottom the fonctionnement of my digestive system . For years it was a challenge for me, with gastritis and colitis it was really hard to find a balance in my eating habits. I started my Challenge with […]


I have never done a diet before, but the Challenge wasn´t bad for me, I wasn´t anxious and it helped me to discipline myself to eat healthy food. I´m really happy because I started the Challenge to support my wife, but the results are impressive!! I went from 36 to 32 and I am happy […]


I didn´t believe in VIVRI™,but when I started taking it I immediately felt a lot of energy, I increased my work out routine and the results were amazing! I also felt great and my allergy (the same that I had for years) wasn´t bothering me anymore, even when I stopped taking my pills! I had […]


Since I started with my Challenge, I had more energy, I felt my stomach more comfortable because it used to be swollen, I lost 11.02 pounds and I had more resistance to do my job and while working out. I feel great drinking VIVRI™!